
Lame Excuse of the Week

ShanghaiEd7/17/2009 9:43:43 pm PDT

re: #195 subsailor68

Evening all!! Just a quick question for our lizard literary types.

Is there any possibility that Cormac McCarthy’s novel “Blood Meridian” could ever possibly be made into a movie? It looks like Ridley Scott is gone, that William Monahan (writer of The Departed) is gone, and that Scott Rudin (producer) is scrambling.

The Coen brothers stepped up to “No Country for Old Men” and made a terrific film - right down to the perfect casting of Javier Bardem as Anton Chigurh.

Heck, I didn’t think anyone could bring Chigurh to life, but Bardem did. Not sure if anyone, however, can bring Judge Holden to the screen.

Any thoughts guys?

sub, I think the character of Judge Holden and Blood Meridian in general are challenges to actors and filmmakers that may well be insurmountable. But I also felt the same way about No Country, and the Coens proved me wrong. So I’m minimally hopeful.

I think the biggest obstacle is Blood Meridian’s over-the-top, all-encompassing violence, that makes Chigurh’s spree look small-time. In McCarthy’s world, the actual scope of that violence is somehow cleansing and inspiring in a perverse way, if that make sense. But I can’t imagine achieving the same effect on screen.

Although, the Judge’s dance at the very end of the book has been on continuous-run loop in the back of my mind ever since I read the book. One of the most complex characters I’ve ever come across, and certainly an actor’s dream. Or nightmare.

But enough of my rambling. What do you think?