
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

SanFranciscoZionist7/13/2012 6:22:56 pm PDT

re: #220 freetoken

I see that over at PJM that Roger L Simon has started down the path of “The Democratic Party is then the true racist party”, a road that I predict will only lead to more ugliness at PJM, as even evidenced in the very same article when Simon writes:

The “part” adjective (boldfaced by me) - does it have to be there?

Anyway, the comments are starting to show the cracks - white victimization, etc.

It’ll only be a matter of time till PJM catches up to the rest.

Yes, it has to be there. For some reason, Obama’s white maternal family is something we need to bring up, repeatedly, even in contexts where it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. He’s cheating, you see. Or something.

I find this very interesting, as a liberal who was more or less dragged into voting for Obama the first time around. I was pleased to get the opportunity to vote for a black candidate, in an abstract, This Is Historical way but that was a very mild sweetener, given that he wasn’t Hillary Clinton, and I was Just Not Sure about him.

I don’t recognize these hypothetical people who voted for him solely because he was !BLACK!. Who are they supposed to be?