
Video: Keith Olbermann's Take on the Smoking Gun Trump Jr. Emails

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/11/2017 5:05:35 pm PDT

re: #217 KGxvi

It’s a simple majority in both Houses, so if Pence nominates a Republican senator, if all the Republicans in the Senate vote for him (and assuming he abstains) that’s 51. But that means they can’t lose anyone else in the Senate. I do agree though, that there’s no way it can be a socon fundy.

Can a putative candidate for VP vote for him- or herself?

My only experience here is on my village board. When someone is put up for a position, they must abstain. (For example, when I was put up for Flag Committee chair, charged with ensuring the US Flag is properly displayed on village property and maintaining flags and equipment, I was required to abstain since I am on the board. Does this apply to the House and Senate - considering that VP is a paid position?)