
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

Fat Bastard Vegetarian4/22/2010 4:35:37 am PDT

re: #218 iceweasel

Conservative baptists… I am not sure all that these guys stand for, but I’ll take a stab… my thoughts in parentheses…

No Gay Marriage (I agree, however I am a strong supporter of equal rights and civil unions)
No Abortions (I have a penis, which removes me from the discussion, IMO, and by the way, IT’S FANTASTIC! {well, I think about and with it all the time})
Bible is infallible (but it’s written by fallible men)
God created (pisses me off that no one will discuss the tools he may have used)

That kind of stuff. Nothing I can’t beat them over the head with (in Christian love)