
Rachel Maddow on Rick Santorum's Shameless Lying

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))4/03/2012 11:38:20 am PDT

re: #13 Kragar

Bryan Fischer: Liberals are conservatives but won’t admit it; moderates are conservatives but don’t know it

One experiment confirmed the ancient proverb, “in vino veritas,” “in wine there is truth.” When people’s inhibitions are lowered, the truth about what is in their hearts and minds comes out. And so researchers found that the more “wine” somebody had in him, the more likely he was to admit that, despite all politically correct pressure to the contrary, he really was a conservative.

For instance, the more booze folks had, the more likely they were to agree, for instance, with the truth that “production and trade should be free of government interference.”

Any coincidence that Hitler started out in beer halls?