
Rand Paul: Snowden and Clapper Should Both Go to Prison

Birth Control Works1/06/2014 8:40:44 am PST

re: #215 Snarknado!

re: #216 CuriousLurker

re: #217 Dark_Falcon

I’ve been trying to follow this case. IIRC, she is brain dead. The fetus is very early in it’s development. The family and the patient both stated this is against her wishes.

Yes, it is a violation of her rights —as she stated her wishes.

From what I know, the women’s body is more than an incubator. The brain regulates much of the interaction between the fetus and it’s mother. A dead brain cannot do this.

The fetus needs more than oxygen and nutrition. There are chemical/hormonal mechanisms that the brain regulates to insure proper development.

I know at 24 weeks a baby can survive in a neonatal ward, with minimal after issues. But that is with a live mother until that point.

I hate to think this case is being used as an experimet —legal or medical.

I hate that the people involved in the decision (men and women) are reducing the “mother” to nothing more than in incubator.

I hope with all my heart this fetus is not damaged.