
Overnight Open Thread

NJDhockeyfan6/24/2011 6:23:10 am PDT

Murdering civilians continues in Syria today…

US urges Syria to withdraw troops from border with Turkey

Washington: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is warning Syria to withdraw troops now massing near its border with Turkey, saying their presence is worsening an already bad situation for refugees and risks sparking border clashes with the Turks.

Clinton told reporters at the State Department on Thursday that the US saw the situation as volatile and “very worrisome” and that the Syria military should immediately end attacks and provocations in the region. She said the buildup of soldiers several hundred metres from the Turkish border was another sign of the Syrian government’s intent to repress its own people.

Troops open fire, ‘killing at least two’

Syrian security forces opened fire on demonstrators Friday killing at least two people and wounding nine others in the town of Kiswah near Damascus, activists said.

Thousands of protesters demonstrated across Syria after the weekly Muslim prayers calling for the fall of the autocratic regime of President Bashar Al Assad in response to a call by the Facebook group Syrian Revolution 2011, one of the motors of the protests under the banner, “Fall of legitimacy”.

Totally messed up situation going on over there. Is there any chance Syrian forces would cross the Turkish border to continue the killings?