
The Top 10 Signs Of Evolution In Modern Man

Salamantis1/12/2009 1:10:37 pm PST

re: #232 Virginius

Peh. The Lord put in all 10 of those false trails, not to mention hundreds of tons of “fossils” and suchlike, when he created the heavens and the earth 6K years or so ago.

He has an infinite sense of humor, you see, and slaps His heavenly knee every time white-coated weenie scientists “discover” more “evidence” that seems to belie His work.

It’s good to be the (ominipotent) King.

It’s awful hypocritical, then, for Him to include ‘Thou shalt not lie’ in his commandments to the very people he is using the whole book of nature to lie to. I think that Hell would be the eternal presence of such an ethically bankrupt deity; revulsion and nausea without end. It reminds me of a sadistic little kid pulling wings off flies for his own amusement.

Which is a roundabout way of saying that I don’t think any deity worthy of our respect, reverence, worship and admiration would ever even contemplate considering doing such a thing.