
Onion: Special Boy with Freakishly Large Brain Wins Spelling Bee

Last Mohican5/08/2009 8:10:16 pm PDT

re: #200 njdhockeyfan

There was this comment too:

May 8th, 2009 9:17 am ET
Um… Is this a joke or are you really a totally brain-dead pack of morons? If not, it’s clear what your modus opperandi must be.

Comparing Cynthia McKinney to the babbling bimbo, Bachman – who claims Democrats are “un-American” – is disingenuous in the least and nothing but a sinister pro-Zionist propaganda smear through association.

Seriously, you have the gall to represent yourselves as being serious “journalists”?

If you’re really that shockingly un-aware of the influence of AIPAC and ADL on our political system, then at least have enough class and integrity to stop calling yourselves a “news” organization

He followed that up with a link to a hardcore anti-Jewish hate site.