
Colbert Encapsulates Palin

rwmofo1/19/2011 8:26:27 pm PST

re: #218 palomino

Have you missed the polls over the last two years? Whenever Palin gets her “profile raised,” it’s great for her reality show/celebutard career. But it pretty much does the opposite for her politically. People may find her intriguing, but she becomes a less viable candidate when the public sees her shallow, off-key, woe is me, victim act.

I’m in my 50s. I’m a grandfather. I’ve never seen this kind of daily hatred and hostility directed toward an individual in my lifetime. And it’s against a woman. What the hell did she do to you? The time, energy and vitriol spent on the Sarah Palin Hate Train is really unbelievable and pathetic. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail one day.