
"Letter to Electors:" a Last Ditch Effort to Persuade Electors Not to Vote for Trump

BeachDem12/14/2016 3:59:02 pm PST

re: #235 Bass Reeves

…By the by guys, Pence and Kasich and all the rest of them aren’t *better* than Trump, they just know more about how to move the levers of government power. All of the stuff you think bad that will happen under Trump, will happen with all the rest of them, because the Rs STILL have the House and Senate and soon the Supreme Court, and most of the state legislatures and governorships.

As Charles Pierce points out:
Also, Hamilton Electors? If you’re looking around for a legitimately bipartisan replacement for El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago, this isn’t really the week to be pushing John Kasich, who is perfectly willing to “compromise” the privacy rights of 51 percent of the American people.

All this Kasich love is getting on my last nerve. He is an asshole. He might not be Trump, but he’ll stick a knife directly into your gut before you see it coming, then smile and say, “Aw shuck” as he twists the knife. And, I still think the crap about “Hillary should release her electors to vote for Kasich” is utterly insulting and ugly.