
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

redshirt11/07/2009 8:56:19 pm PST

re: #221 Existential_Donuts

I don’t have a fundamental distrust of the US government, and since my ideological views are represented by the majority, I am fine not reading the bill. I guess that makes me lazy.

I am not naive enough to think a complicated issue like health care can be summed up in a few pages, I would be much more dubious of a small bill.

I am not worried about the money, taxes to help people are good. Did I miss anything?

So you don’t mind being lied to? We were promised that this would be deficit neutral, and Obama promised my taxes wouldn’t go up one cent ( I am well below the 250K threshold).
But I am happy that you are willing to pay more in taxes. Good for you.