
Live Video: Kagan Hearings, Day Three

Mich-again6/30/2010 2:13:00 pm PDT

re: #230 albusteve

I thought it was pretty obviously intimidation…not your typical event outside a polling station…so what’s next? loudspeakers and chanting “GO HOME!”

We had a recall election in our community a couple years back and I got pestered by a couple guys on the way into the polls to vote for the recall. After 3 polite requests to leave me alone, I finally told them to get the F* away from me. When I came out of the polls there was a neighbor who is a policeman and a mob waiting at my car to continue with the pestering. At which point I told my neighbor the cop to get the F* away me and my car. They all looked at him to see if he would arrest me but he knew better than to try. ha. Called em all assholes as I drove away.

The neighbor cop never bothered me again. ha.