
Now the Right Wants to Redefine 'Preventive' to Exclude Contraceptives

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/07/2011 12:35:53 pm PST

re: #238 Rightwingconspirator

Do you actually deny the far lefts successes in thwarting nuclear power?

Yes, I do. There are lots of things that combine to thwart nuclear power. Opposition to them based on environmental concerns is certainly one of those. However, without NIMBYism, the inaccessibility of insurance (other than government-provided), opposition from traditional energy interests, incredibly high capital costs, the other NIMBYism regarding the disposal of waste, etc., environmentalists alone wouldn’t be successful in stopping nuclear power.

So it is incorrect to say that environmentalists have been successful in blocking nuclear power. They are one factor. You could remove every left-wing environmentalist tomorrow, and I doubt a single extra nuclear power plant would actually get built.

We’d all do better to also judge by successes or fails, rather than just who has gotten party leadership posts.

What about all the heinous laws mandating that women have a vaginal wand inserted in them if they want an abortion? What about the laws publicizing information about women who get abortions? Etc. etc?

The religious right’s assault on abortion has had real, actual effects. Dismissing them as somehow not having had real-world effects is very odd.