
Now the Right Wants to Redefine 'Preventive' to Exclude Contraceptives

Rightwingconspirator2/07/2011 12:48:50 pm PST

re: #240 Obdicut

Okay we disagree on who has had the major successes in stopping nuclear power. If you do not see the connection between left wing opposition to Yucca mountain and a lack of storage facilities, or instances of biofraud or the obvious connection between left wing driven 3 Mile Island radiation hysteria and insurance issues I just can’t explain with or without good links.
I would point out in my original post that I wanted far left extremism called out in addition to the GOP extremism. So your third paragraph comparison is just not applicable.
I’m making the point that extremism from both sides holds the nation back from real progress on many fronts. Arguing only one kind of extreme behavior should be called out via comparisons ignores far too many instances of problems. Like biofraud potentially effecting land use rules over very large areas.