
Saturday Afternoon Open

Renaissance_Man9/17/2011 8:25:08 pm PDT

re: #224 Dark_Falcon

There was hardly an alternative. As Obama’s recent moving of the budget goalposts with his “American Jobs Act” shows, he still does not take Republican concerns seriously. So we had to use something like the debt ceiling to force him to come to the table. And even that didn’t work for even a month. This bill of the president’s is just going to make things harder without actually doing anything (since it will not pass in its current form).

So, holding the world’s economy hostage was something Obama ‘forced’ upon Republicans? Because he just wouldn’t take their concerns seriously?

DF, nobody takes Republican concerns seriously. That’s because Republicans don’t have serious concerns. That sounds like a broad brush partisan statement, but honestly, name a serious one.

Seriously concerned about the deficit? No, not really. Because if they were, they would want to do something that might actually fix it, like trimming military expenditure, and most importantly, raising a few taxes.

Seriously concerned about taxes? No, no really. Because if they were, they wouldn’t be so eager to increase taxes on the middle and lower classes, just because Obama doesn’t want to.

What are their serious concerns? Creeping sharia law? Osama bin Laden? Violent leftist union thugs fomenting civil war? HPV vaccinations?

Come on, let us know. What are their serious concerns? What should we, and the rest of the world, take seriously?