
How Edward Snowden Helped China Hack the US

piratedan11/02/2013 9:17:31 am PDT

re: #221 Dark_Falcon

Are you sure the comparison works? Stillson is depicted in all versions of The Dead Zone as being driven by ambition as well as trauma induced rage. Edward Snowden has suffered no trauma such as the fictional Stillson suffers, nor does he have Stillson’s ambition. Edward Snowden is a whiny perpetually-adolescent dudebro loser.

I could argue that his injury that necessitated his discharge from the military could be seen as traumatic, no longer being allowed to serve, so to speak, but I would also state that he’s all kinds of ambitious in that he sought out Greenwald in order to coordinate and perpetuate this crime to making him the “biggest truthteller” of all time, the scope of the amount of documents that he’s stolen and the fact that he’s sold them to both China, Russia and is working with wikileaks and Greenwald to continue to screw over the country does strike a megalomaniacal chord.

also, the fact that he’s supposedly such a principled individual but has no interest in doing any time for his crime nor using any of the established outlets/protocols for whistle blowing speaks to his cowardice.