
Overnight Open Thread

unproven innocence1/24/2010 8:00:09 am PST

re: #225 mr. hammer

FYI, the 50 comment requirement for dinging has been dropped, I think. The icons at top right in a comment are as follows, rightmost first:

! - Report button. It’s rarely used, but it’s a way for anyone to send a notification to Charles, calling attention (or a recommendation) to a particular comment.

Heart - Clicking that for a comment marks it as a “favorite” for your own personal purposes. At top left, there is a My Favorites tool which you can click for reviewing and managing the set of comments that you have so marked. This tool is for your own use and other posters see nothing of it —only their own info.

+ (plus) - Click to give +1 point of karma for a comment.

- (minus) - Click to give -1 point for a comment you disapprove of. (Most of us use this sparingly.)

Karma# - Click to see who dinged a comment up or down.

(You can undo and even reverse a ding. Can’t ding your own comment.)

Football/avatar - Click for some info about a user.

Hope this helps.