
Video: Obama on JihadTV

J.S.1/27/2009 10:35:08 am PST

Here’s my take on why this will be considered an appeasement to the Arab world:

1) Obama expressed his preference to speak FIRST to an Arab television network, shunning American networks. It thus gives them a sense of primacy, their considerations put first and foremost, American interests second.
2) Repeatedly, Obama expressed a desire to communicate a “new message” to the Arab and Muslim world. And, the new message is — America is your friend and new-found ally. America is “ready to initiate a new partnership based on mutual respect and mutual interest.”
3) Obama pointedly stated that Israel is an ally of the United States. Then, he stated: “They will not stop being a strong ally of the United States.” Translation: “What ya want me to do, eh? They want to be an ally of the United States — not that I like this situation in the least, but, hey, they want to be allies. My hands are tied.”
4) In the past the United States has started off by dictating to the Arab world, but now the United States will cease/quiet its dictators (and, hey, we all know who those little fascist dictators were in the United States, now don’t we? those ones who were dictating America’s foreign policy - you know, those cannibal honcos.) And now, at long last, America will listen to the Arab World. In addition, as yet another feather in the cap of Arabs, Obama will give an address in a Muslim capital within the first 100 days of his administration. Let us All bow to Mecca..
5) Obama continuously reassures Arabs that Obama “is listening, who is respectful, and who is trying to promote the interests not just of the United States” but of the Arab World, and he feels their pain, their suffering, he understands their grievances (especially with the honcos), cause he’s got Muslims in the family, he knows the Arabs’ impoverishment, their penury, the injustices they must endure at the hands of arrogant aggressors…(yeah, we’ve heard this all before…)