
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/01/2009 2:54:04 am PDT

re: #169 ArchangelMichael

Very interesting. I remember hearing that there was some specific problem involving cholesterol with vegetarian diets—a problem with maintaining high enough levels of it, because the human body does need it. I don’t remember the details.

I *think* though that it must not be completely impossible— only because there is one particular Hindu movement which is strict vegetarian:

Many Vaishnavas, especially Gaudiya Vaishnavas follow a strict vegetarian diet, abstaining from meat, fish and eggs. They also abstain from garlic and onions.

This particular Hindu sect is a few hundred years old. I don’t know, maybe they have high rates of some illness or problem that correlates with having too low cholesterol? Or very early mortality?

Vegetarianism in Hinduism: