
Vladimir Putin Lectures the US on Morality in the New York Times, Greenwald Co-Signs

A Mom Anon9/12/2013 4:29:26 am PDT

re: #267 Dark_Falcon

This is the voice and face of the Republican party now. I hate it too, we need two parties to balance each other out and create reasonable policy that serves the people as well as it can. This isn’t happening now. They hate the President more than they love the country. It needs to stop. It’s damaging the nation from the inside out. I didn’t like W at ALL, but I never let it cloud my judgement to the degree the current GOP has let theirs be.

In order for this to change, actual true conservatives are going to have to stand up and take back the party. It’s not happening. Instead this crap is being encouraged. With every donation to the party, every election, every media appearance (and WTF was that shit in Egypt with Bachmann, Gohmert and King? Seriously. WTF?),every unchallenged media interview, every talk show host’s daily stream of bullshit, there’s support for this. DF, you and the remaining conservatives who have some bit of sanity left need to start SCREAMING at your party leadership to stop this crap. I think many Republicans in elected offices are scared shitless of the extremists and they need to know someone has their back- actually they need to know a lot of people have their backs. For example, I don’t think Speaker Boehner is a tea party guy, but he’s scared shitless of them and bends to their will, I bet he’s not the only one. Ya’all need to kick the crazies out, they’re running things now and this is what happens when that’s allowed.