
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/14/2010 2:23:23 am PDT

re: #265 Bagua

I’m not siding against you or Jimmah, Iceweasel. I said I agree nobody should have to answer a nationality question if they don’t want to on this forum. I thought Jimmah answered it just fine.

I’m just saying you are over-reacting here. There is no evil anything and I don’t see were he said non-US citizens shouldn’t post here. I think he is talking about the volatile situation in Arizona and you are personalising it. It’s probably pushing some buttons with you at the moment.

Bagua, the person over-reacting (if we want to call it that, and not provocation) was VH.
The nationality question was answered immediately when Jimmah asked him why he didn’t pay Inland Revenue in the UK.

VH chose to keep going there and he said, repeatedly, that he feels people not paying US taxes ‘have no reason’ to comment on US domestic policy.

look— defend him if you want. I haven’t even ripped into you for alleging that I’m histrionic and drunk. I mean what I said: I didn’t think you were the kind of person to deny reality in service of a personal grudge.