
"EVEN MORE HUNGER GAMES" -- a Bad Lip Reading Remix

Hecuba's daughter12/22/2023 6:56:36 pm PST

From downstairs

re: #183 Dangerman

It’s not all about gerrymandering
A lot of it is

Just by chance after reading about the WI decision, but before seeing the chart, I did a calculation based on 54% Democratic votes (randomly turned out to be exact!) and was able to prove that it was theoretically possible for the GOP to get 90% of the seats with 46% of the vote. This is such a blight on our nation. Now, that could also happen without gerrymandering, given extreme population distributions, but that’s not the case here. Hope this decision stands up and justice is done.

Of course gerrymandering does not affect statewide offices but any positions that are based on these districts are certainly subject to this extreme suppression of voter representation.