
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/21/2009 8:14:06 pm PDT

re: #270 Bagua

I know you believe science is about the message, the intentions, beliefs and morals of the scientist, I believe Science is about details, facts and accuracy. Fake but accurate does not cut it for me.

This is exactly what I mean by endlessly insulting. Find one bit of the science I posed that is fake. I challenge you to do this. You never can come up with anything concrete. You just insult the whole damn thing by calling it fake.

Well guess what Bags,

You are not a scientist.

You do noot know science and when you go and call tyhe science fake, it is the one thing that actually does insult me and make me angry. You do it again and again without any back up or evidence or understanding of your own about the science.

It is unbearably rude.

It makes you a smarmy little shit.