
Glenn Beck Remixed

ShanghaiEd7/17/2009 2:54:54 pm PDT

re: #227 rightymouse

I still haven’t the foggiest idea where you stand on McVeigh vs Beck on the issue of advocating AND perpetrating violence.

OK. I am 100%, and always, against anybody advocating and perpetrating violence. For any cause. Anybody who’s read my hapless ramblings here knows this.

Here’s the genesis of the fecal matter I dropped in the punchbowl just now: At #39, you said, “The one thing to know about Beck is that he is very angry at the status quo in gummint.” At #81, haakondahl replied, “So is McVeigh.” Both very true statements.

I got on my high-horse and offered my opinion that, ends-versus-means aside, it takes more guts to perpetrate violence than to advocate it. “Guts” is a neutral quality, meaning initiative. Having guts doesn’t make somebody a hero. Especially if they use that initiative to murder.

See what I’m getting at?