
Terror Attack In Pakistan

Josephine3/03/2009 12:40:30 pm PST

re: #202 WriterMom

I was at hatefest last night. Couldn’t get in (they said it was full then let in 10 people from behind me — “Oh, your friends are Jewish, hadn’t noticed, sorry we’re full”), so I had heated debates with various pro-Palestinian folks.

Yup, it’s definitely all the Joooooos’ fault. Did you know that Israel is really big and mean?

My conclusions from last night’s discussions: our young people are incredibly stupid and naive and easily manipulated. And they don’t know the first thing about the laws governing blacks under apartheid South Africa

And what’s up with people of colour telling me I’m disrespecting them when I disagree? And Muslims getting all huffy when I say that, in fact, we do not worship the same God or believe in the same Jesus?

“Hell is other people.”