
Overnight Ocean Thread

Walter L. Newton10/04/2009 7:13:42 am PDT

re: #277 avanti

I think the right is trying to make a issue about a possible troop increases before the General Petraeus has actually submitted a request.

” Gen. David Petraeus, who as head of U.S. Central Command will make the final military decision on McChrystal’s request, said that the strategy is being reassessed and no decision on additional troops has been made.”

“I have not yet endorsed the resources” requested by McChrystal, Petraeus said while speaking at an event in Washington. “


No, I think the right is making intelligent projections of the possible future reactions of the left.

You see, that’s how it’s done. You “think,” make “projections,” look at “possibilities,” you know, sort of the same way you make decisions on the next turn of a card in a poker game.

You do make intelligent projections about the next turn of a card, right?