
Overnight Open Thread

Damned Architect1/19/2010 11:38:31 pm PST

Good evening folks. Have been up-dinging rather than commenting on the MA upset tonight due to the fact that an overwhelming desire to finish up itemizing my 2009 taxes randomly came up. Rather than delay the inevitable 1040 duty, the last 4 hours of my life (that I shall never get back) was spent with piles of receipts, a calculator, a dozen manila envelopes, and 1/8 of the ink in a bic pen! For the entire duration, LFG and clementines have been my only relief; reading my fellow lizards rant and rave (while high on vitamin C) has made a dull task ever so more bearable. For this, I am grateful.

Re: tonight’s topic- My thoughts are that it will be a short-term disaster for the Dems, but will actually be a blessing in disguise for the nation at large, as a better health care bill is the likely result. Moreover, GOP overreach is much more likely in November as a result of this unusual upset. Anybody feel the same way?