
Matt Taibbi: Why I Can't Vote For Ron Paul

Michael Orion Powell5/04/2011 8:39:57 pm PDT

re: #25 wrenchwench

Please look into Gary Johnson more closely. New Mexico is not “west coast”, but that doesn’t matter. New Mexico may or may not have fewer bigots than other areas, but that doesn’t matter. Look at Johnson himself. He voted for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party for president in 2008. So even if Johnson is not a racist, he doesn’t mind voting for one. For president. Against Barack Obama. The Constitution Party is also extremely anti-choice. I don’t know whether that reflects Gary Johnson’s position, but again, he’s willing to vote for that, and help them gain ballot access.

Here’s a more recent development. Johnson is in the top five on that list, and I would be hard pressed to choose which of the others is the most disgusting person of the bunch. If you don’t know them, do some research. (I’m sure you’ve heard of Tom Tancredo.) These are Gary Johnson’s people. Maybe not “creepy Confederate flirtations”, but certainly nothing more pleasant than that. Maybe worse, if only because it’s gone beyond “flirtations”.

I really have to beg to differ when it comes to the Johnson/Tancredo comparison. From Reason:

Johnson said he doesn’t like the harsh tone he’s heard in the immigration debate. “At an event the other night and some guy says, ‘What we need are A-10s flying low across the border … guns blazing.’” Johnson said. “I said, ‘Really? You want to kill the immigrants? … We are on different pages here. We really have a serious disagreement about this.’” But a couple of minutes later, Johnson said, the man apologized and said he didn’t mean what he said. He said such emotional reactions to the problem “have to do with the notion that (immigrants) are taking away jobs from U.S. citizens.”