
Boehner to GOP: 'Behave Like Grown-Ups'

drcordell3/22/2010 11:19:45 am PDT

re: #268 CyanSnowHawk

How could I know what you meant when what you said was not what you meant? I could make that assumption, but that way lies chaos.

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.
Correlation does not imply causation.

By your argument, prohibition could be blamed for the great depression. After all, the crash came only 9 years after prohibition started, and 4 years before prohibition ended, and we recovered some time after prohibition ended.

Nice to see that you are restricting your argument to the relevant time period. It’s good to see a student improve with a little guidance.

You are the one trying to make the argument that raising taxes is death to the economy. Not me. There is a whole raft of empirical data to support the statement that a 70% tax bracket keeps the economy functioning just fine. Yes, the business cycle was still in effect and there were ups and downs. But you simply can’t make the argument that the U.S. economy didn’t experience phenomenal growth from 1913 to 1980.

You are the one who should be showing me how the 33% top tax bracket has done wonders for the economy since 2001. I’ll be waiting with baited breath…