
ADL 'Won't Fight' Park51 Community Center

Spare O'Lake8/04/2010 2:29:59 pm PDT

re: #281 garhighway

They are both in the Northern Hemisphere. They both involve places were people died. They both involve places where gravity is 1.0 Earth standard.

There are many ways in which the comparison is apt. Just none that matter.

The comparison is indeed apt. The survivors and countrymen of the victims of 9-11, like the survivors and families of the victims of the holocaust, all harboured great animosity toward those who they believe to have perpetrated and acquiesced in the dastardly deeds.
It is these feelings of hostility and collective blame which are in fact the wounds which need to be healed.
In the case of the holocaust, it has taken generations for most to stop blaming all Germans for the holocaust, even those who were children during the war.
In the case of 9-11 many still blame most Muslims for the attacks, even those who have done nothing worse than to have remained silent out of fear. Many feel betrayed and wounded by the silence, not to mention the hurtful words of those who lectured and blamed the victims and US foreign policy.
These wounds are still fresh and there is a healing process under way which some, like the ADL, believe will not be advanced by the project as currently located and planned.