
Overnight Open Thread

wahabicorridor8/22/2009 6:18:23 am PDT

morning lizards.

From the These People Make Me Puke We should Deport Them;

Get a load of Alexandra Fuller, Brit expat living in the wild nether reaches of the U.S.

You can never really know what the future holds. My eldest daughter was born in Africa. When she started school in Wyoming she insisted she was black. On Martin Luther King Day she stood at the front of the classroom with the only African-American student in her grade. She’s 16 now and very intolerant of the surface stuff that interests a lot of Americans.
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President Obama shifted how we define ourselves. He’s that rare leader that transcends race and gender. He’s in it for the infinite. We have the opportunity to change limiting attitudes. I think Obama’s candidacy drew poison to the surface of US society. A volatile minority’s identity is threatened by Obama’s obvious abilities.
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But after 15 years of living in the US I realise that the American Dream is a myth. Americans have yet to reconcile themselves with the fact that people are not born equal. I don’t think capitalism and democracy are easy bedfellows.
(translation: I’ve failed so it’s all vapor)