
Overnight Open Thread

redc1c46/16/2009 2:09:11 am PDT

speaking of the whole “i’m young and cute” ethos, i was at the store a few weeks back, as usual looking like i’d been drug through a hedge, buying my giant econopack of cheap beer…..

as i start down the aisle to the dead animal dept, i noticed two SYT’s sashaying their way towards me. dressed in whatever the fashion is, secure in their status, and taking their half out of the middle of the walkway.

i was on my side, and headed right at them. they pretended i wasn’t there, and evidently expected that i would simply move out of their way so the procession could continue.

the corner of a 30 pack, swinging forward on my arm, at my usual walking speed undoubtedly left the sort of bruise that was there for weeks…. as i kept going, i gave the plaintive cries and whining behind me as much attention as they had my approach.

/yeah, i can be an asshole %-)