
Luca Stricagnoli on Seven-String Acoustic Guitar - the Last of the Mohicans

Reality Based Steve3/09/2014 12:58:12 pm PDT

re: #24 lawhawk

So, the conspiracy theories and just plain nutty are coming out with respect to the mystery of what happened with the Malaysian Air MH370 flight.

There’s some indication that Vietnamese authorities have found a piece of wreckage that might be a part of the downed Boeing 777, but Drudge is linking to WND (and yes, it’s WND) is speculating that a missile shot it down, and that the missile belonged to the North Koreans.

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Let us see…. Soviet S-400 has a range of about 400 km, US Patriot about 150 km, looking at the map it looks like about 3500 + km from southernmost point of North Korea to the Gulf of Thailand. Of course I’m sure that the NKs have managed to strap together 10 + SAMs to work as one big one. After all, all their other technology has worked so fine. /

Do people even do the MOST BASIC thinking? Is there a switch inside their head marked “Discriminate for BS and Stupidity” that is safety-wired into the “OFF” position. Are they just hard-wired for conspiracy?

There are many many unanswered questions about this incident, and will be until, with careful research and study, the truth (or as much as can be determined) comes out. That, of course, will not satisfy the “I want my ANSWER, I want it NOW, and I want it SCARY” crowd.

ARRGH…. My calm is now officially disturbed.