
Saudi Arabia Moves In

Charles Johnson1/23/2009 7:31:51 pm PST

re: #270 Cato the Elder

Um, before getting all bent out of shape about Obama placing a call to Abdullah and al-Turki spouting off in a British venue, let’s all pause to recall the man whose administration gave us at least an additional 15,000 Saudi students (all of whom are of course accounted for, right?), whose Secretary of State told us all about the “benevolence at the heart of Islam”, and who personally smooched and fondled and sword-danced and played hndchenhalten with the goaty old Saudi despot at absolutely every opportunity he could find.




Cheney gets a hug.

Time will tell about Obama, but he’ll have to crawl a long way up Abdullah’s polypy colon before he gets anywhere close to Dubya and Dick.

I think that’s part of the secret Saudi Presidential initiation ritual.