
Overnight Open Thread

Wishing4/02/2009 4:40:34 am PDT

re: #269 3 wood

Good morning.

Look for the market to open up sharply as the futures are all up by about 2% at the moment.

The reason why is a little complicated. First, the market has been so far down for so long that a lot of the money standing on the sidelines is starting to get a bit eager to get back in the market Second, there is a growing sense that the market and the economy has leveled out. Third, “mark to market” is likely to be altered by FASB within the next day or so, and that will free up a lot of bank capital and reduce the “toxic asset” problem significantly, and it will be retroactive to january 1st.

Complicated or not, some good news is a relief.
Thanks, 3wood