
Paul Ryan, the Pick of Fear

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/11/2012 12:28:12 pm PDT

re: #292 JeffM70

For fun, here’s a conversation going on with three far right-wingers on Facebook about the Ryan pick. I went to high school with them. The irony is sad.

1: CNN Crowley: Ryan Pick ‘Looks a Little Bit Like Some Sort of Ticket Death Wish’… [Link:…] They will do anything to convince ignorant voters and set the tone to help Osama…I mean Obama.

2: They commie libs are asking that because they will attack the hell out of his wife and kids.

3: you can vote Obama for President never having a job butyou shoud worry about a young vp if hes qualified or not. Come on wtf How can so many people be so ignorant. Yes John they are the first to cry if its done to them they real idiots in both parties they are control freaks. Remember a few of then in high school lol love em all!

4: Look what the libs did/said about Palins family. Anyone who calls themselves a Democrat is ignorant.

5: “Sad thing is that there are so many un informed people out there who will make their choice on total lies never even tryin to find true facts. Lazy Americans.”

From guys who get their facts from Rush, Beck and Fox News.

Irony really is big there considering the repeated attacks we see on Obama’s family including his dead mother.