
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/04/2011 3:14:51 pm PDT

re: #292 Walter L. Newton

I was doing that in 1982 on the Vic 20 and Commodore 64. The first full application I ever wrote was a text adventure for the Vic 20 called “The Midway.” Ten locations… two word parser… “there is a bomb hidden somewhere on the carnival midway and you have 1 hour to find it.” Fit in 3.5k of memory.

Then I graduated to the 64 and wrote “Encounter.” Needed the 1541 51/2 inch disk drive, as I had multiple flat text files along with the application. It was a Betty and Barney Hill type of UFO encounter adventure. Full plain english parser, multiple commands and actions on one line, basically imitating the Infocom engine.

yes! but now you can do it in natural language, for like 40 different platforms at once with a portable core file, and distribute it yourself *_*