
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

Vicious Babushka4/04/2011 3:16:26 pm PDT

re: #265 WindUpBird

I would WAY rather have stayed in my group home job changing adult diapers than work at a call center. Sounds like Dante’s fucking Inferno o_o

I work at a call center. Not answering the phones, I could so totally not do that, but doing the statistical reporting on customer satisfaction metrics.

I have to give these call-takers a lot of credit. I sit between two “executive level” call-takers, which is where the dissatisfied customers get kicked up to when the lower-level call-takers can’t solve their problem. They take a lot of crap and abuse, and they manage to keep a smile in their voice and stay calm and cool.