
Overnight Open Thread

Interesting Times9/06/2011 7:30:07 am PDT

Think the media will cover this as much as Hoffa’s comments? 9_9

Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar

“We have Saddam Hussein,” declared billionaire industrialist Charles Koch, apparently referring to President Barack Obama as he welcomed hundreds of wealthy guests to the latest of the secret fundraising and strategy seminars he and his brother host twice a year. The 2012 elections, he warned, will be “the mother of all wars.”

How about a 9/11 Truther in the mix?

Charles [Koch] spoke again the next evening, following a keynote speech by Fox News host and retired New Jersey Superior Court Judge Andrew P. Napolitano. The judge didn’t stray far from his usual libertarian fare; he was met with hardy approval when he declared that the Second Amendment was created to ensure “the right to shoot at the government if it is taken over by tyrants.”

I’m going to page this. It must be seen.