
Gates Considers Lifting Ban on Coffin Photos

Athos2/11/2009 9:50:00 am PST

re: #216 Kenneth

Thanks for that info.

I do think that in many parts of the US, the American people will react in a very similar manner. However, seeing the hard left pinheads with their crosses in the sand at Santa Monica and Santa Barbara, they will not honor the sacrifice or respect the sacrifice that these soldiers make. They seek to use that sacrifice as a cudgel against policies that they don’t support and against a country that they don’t really support. It is just another prop to them in their political theater.

When Ronald Reagan died, here in LA County and Ventura County, hundreds of thousands stood in line, stood along the road / overpasses, to pay their respects. But the pinheads who opposed his values and policies, even though few in number, got ‘equal’ treatment in the media because his conservative values and policies had to be demonized as opposed to being lionized.

Ultimately, I think that it is more of a disservice to let the left use those who made the ultimate sacrifice as a prop to their theater than it is to show the photos of their arrival back to the US. The American people will still show their respect and honor them as many do today in airports and towns across the country. But let’s not the left push them into political theater. It dishonors them and their sacrifice.