
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel1/20/2010 2:09:16 am PST

re: #297 Cato the Elder

It goes both ways.

Atheists like Dawkins are constantly telling Christians what they believe, as if they had a clue.

Of course, Christians are always telling other Christians where to get off.

I try to stay out of it all.

Yeah, I can’t speak for Dawkins, been quite a while since I’ve read him or kept up to speed on his doings (or sayings).
I’m an atheist in the sense in which he is: Can I prove there is no God? No, but neither can I ‘prove’ there isn’t a leprechaun in the garden. I regard both as highly unlikely. As in, vanishingly small (ha) chance.

But I don’t care what others believe, nor do I think religion is eeeevil, nor do I have any desire to convince anyone else to believe what I believe— or to take their religion away from them. It’s demonstrably helpful to many believers, and religion has certainly been (and continues to be) a force for good in many cases.
So long as religion is kept out of the public square— by which I mean, government, science textbooks, science policies, our bedrooms, and female bodies* — hey, have at it.
*in principle I want it kept out of men’s reproductive choices as well, but they ain’t in danger in the way women’s choices are.