
HuffPo: Crazy About Health

NY Nana7/29/2009 9:51:43 pm PDT

G’night, Lizards! Sweet dreams.

I am off to sleep, as the same problems with my health are still there.

I forgot to add that we live on the first floor, and there are sets of rather fancy stairs that I would have to get down in order to walk to the car…and that the elevator only goes to the first floor, as there is a rather large rock in the basement that has a very steep set of stairs. We contacted the State of NY re whether the ADA kicks in when new sidewalks and stairs in the front of the building was enough to make them put in stairs for the handicapped. Alas it is not, and some others are also unable to get outside, as they are wheel chair bound. We have lived here for 37 years this month, and never expected this to happen. We are under rent control, and finding an apartment in this area is impossible. Nearly all the apartment buildings are co-ops. When it did, not enough tenants wanted to buy, so we were safe.

Please think about this before you move anywhere…

/No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Again, g’nite, all!