
Tuesday Afternoon Open

Lucius Septimius9/01/2009 5:45:12 pm PDT

When the wife and I got married, we were given a subscription to “Organic Gardening.” I practiced organic gardening and found it helpful. The letters, moreover, were endlessly entertaining. I remember someone writing a long angry letter over an ad. The add was for Glad bags, and the whole ad was attempting to say how “eco-conscious” Glad was. The letter-writer listed all the items shown in the bag that could potentially be composted if you really tried, and then excoriated the editors for including the ad.

Eventually the mag changed to “Organic Style” in which we were treated to the endless “Green” habits of dim anorexic starlets. Sifting through the magazine, I came away with the sense that “Green” meant “overpriced, trivial, and trendy.” Oh and “I don’t believe in traditional religions, but I’ll buy into whatever Asian-Native American-Primitive-Tribal-New Age-Harmonic Convergence-Bullshit you can dish out.”

We didn’t renew our subscription.