
Outrageous Outrage of the Day!

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/09/2009 3:41:04 pm PDT

Before I go for Shabbos, I must reveal one more secret of Remulak.

The reason that agent Obama has put this art up is simple. It is a terrible psyop to embarrass right wing politicians when they visit the white house.

Do to a special combination of chemicals in the chemtrails and other additives to the drinking water, all humans are now prone to uncontrollable flatulence - when triggered by their anal probes.

This art, will activate the probe upon viewing if it is heard in conjunction with a certain ultrasonic signal.

This way, should a right wing patriot, start getting uncomfortably close to the truth in some speech, all that Agent Obama needs to do is push a button and then the speech of that brave and loyal, but doomed American will be drowned out by noisy, noxious and uncontrollable farting.

This will discredit them and put an end to their claims being heard. It doubles as a psyop, because whatever truth those patriotic Americans have discovered will now be associated permanently in the public mind with farting.

Also a note to all Lizards…

Be certain to put on your super sekrit “green” glasses to see the sekrit message in this art.

All Power to Remulak! Have a good weekend and have a bagel!