
Overnight Open Thread

HoosierHoops1/24/2010 9:03:20 am PST

The Little green football prayer list

We pray Father for The Haitian people in need… They cry out for help and comfort in this hour.
Bless those that have died…Comfort the survivors. Heal those that are wounded.
Guide the first responders and the doctors and keep them safe.
Heal their Nation..
Ausador: Parents
Reine: Health and Family
gregb - 4 year old son who suffered a head injury last Friday and spent the
weekend in the ICU with some lingering effects all week.
Irish Rose… midlife retraining for a new career
I.R. My Marine was just taken into medical at MCAS Miramar, they think that he may have a blood clot in his leg.
SteveC: Two friends, one needs heart surgery, and one might.
Update from our friend SteveC:
News on both my friends - the one who might have heart surgery: They’re going to adjust her medication and try a Brachoscopy (?) before deciding on the surgery.
After surgery to replace her Aortic valve, my friend was released from the hospital today! Since she is at Mayo Clinic and lives several hundred miles away, her family is staying at a local hotel and will head for home tomorrow!
Anyone who held a good thought for her, I humbly thank you.
If you could add Sherman Nugent and his family to the prayer list, it would be greatly appreciated. He was a professor at my school since 1968, and a good friend to many. He only stopped teaching and conducting research a couple of semesters ago. Not sure if adding a link to obituaries is customary or not, but here it is: link

My other friend got a surgical date in January. She quickly got tired of the waiting and asked the surgeon if she could reschedule earlier. Now she’s set for Nov 16

lurking faith… prayers for an aunt
Beekiller: Sister has been diagnosed with Cancer…We pray for a speedy recovery
Wlewisiii: Son John has the H1N1 flu….May God touch and heal him this morning
Prairiefire: Health for Family and friends
Mcspiff: if you could add my uncle to the list. He went in for surgery today and it didn’t go so well. Extra organs had to come out, etc. Still just hearing bits and pieces now. But any prayers would be greatly appreciated.
Yesandno’s husband passed away Friday.. Pray for her comfort
Thanksgiving: Odbicut: Friends little brother recovering From N1H1 virus..
Thank you Lord
In Memoriam:
Obi Wan
USMC 1968
All our Troops who have died protecting our Freedom and their families.
Lord. Hear our Prayers