
And Now, Meerkats Practice Security

formercorpsman1/16/2009 8:51:14 pm PST

re: #276 Silhouette

Yeah, pretty much. He is the caricature of their guilt, the one who wipes their sins away.

It departs from reality, as they have departed from reality.

I would really like to know, just what is the content of his character? It is my right to know.

It makes me ill, to see so many our my fellow citizens act as sheep for the slaughter by utilizing such a flimsy criteria in order to cast a vote.

I am not far from Valley Forge, and it is colder than a witch’s tit right now. Looking back, knowing literally just 45 minutes away that hallowed ground at one time soaked up the bloodied feet of men who marched for the freedom to think critically, and determine their own destiny, makes me ill looking at how we have squandered this privilege.