
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Charles Johnson10/08/2009 2:16:47 pm PDT

re: #297 keithgabryelski

A few things come to mind:

1) I don’t understand what is being caught by the sock puppet watch dogs on LGF. Can my wife register under her name from our shared machine? Not that she will, she would lose the opportunity to give me the hair eyeball and say “have you protected the interwebs sufficiently tonight?”

That’s not a problem as long as you email me and explain the situation, so I don’t assume it’s a sock puppet attempt.

2) At least his guy claims the watch dog is not complete (which is hopefully give the benefit of doubt on registrations and limit the false positives to zero) and somewhat easy to elude, well then: what the heck that mean for the 10% of registrations (or so) that can’t dance around this simple trap?

Don’t forget — those idiots lie as easily as they breathe.