
The Proudly Ignorant Party

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All4/07/2010 2:57:41 pm PDT

re: #294 ArchangelMichael

Nice try but no the entire LP is the fringe. When I was in the LP there were 2 types of “libertarians”. People who said shit with a straight face that would make Art Bell or David Icke blush, and people who wanted pot to be legalized and didn’t give 2 shits about anything else. Rational libertarians (small-L) don’t associate with the LP. They are independents who hold their noses voting for the least offensive D or R candidate and are not swayed by easily debunked conspiracy theories.

(*Second point deleted as not relevant to my response *)

Generally I agree with your assessment of the current state of the Libertarian Party, but… and this may be damning with faint praise, they’re still a better choice for me IMO because they’re still better than the Current Republican party.

I’ll contribute money to the LP and I’ll even run as an LP candidate, why? because none of the parties fit my vision of smaller government as an ideal. That doesn’t mean I want to move to anarchy or move America back 150 years, it means that I think that government should be our response of last resort for a solution, not the first resort.

a great example of that is health care, we tried to use for profit corporations to build and create a health care system, but ther were too many holes. so we have medicaid medicare s-chip, and now a system in place to give everyone the opportunity to have good health care without costing themselves or myself an arm or a leg. Is that Libertarian of me to say that government is needed to intervene? probably not, but as I said, smaller government is an ideal, and ideals aren’t always practical.

We need more people willing to look at things as practical libertarians and understand the role of government.