
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

SanFranciscoZionist10/02/2009 2:44:32 pm PDT

re: #160 Right Brain

She lost me at the Katie Couric interview. What was she thinking? Palin was trained as a journalist, spent four years getting a degree in journalism, worked as a journalist (OK Sport Journalist) for years; and she had no clue of the sort of questions that would be asked of her? What do you read? What would you do with Russia? Have you ever negotiated a foreign treaty? Exactly what questions was she expecting?

I was disappointed in the interview, but more disappointed with the follow-up. She didn’t seem to be making any efforts to convince people that had been an off day, and a pack of pundits went on attack telling everyone that we were snobs for being critical.

I was initially rather excited about Palin. I imagined she’d be a common-sense fiscal conservative type, and I liked the profile that had run when she was a long-shot pick.